Getting Started

The bs-component documentation is intended to get you working with the bs-components. These docs are not intended to cover all aspects of the bootstrap components. You should review the bootstrap documentation for more details about how the bootstrap framework itself works.


All bs-components start enabled by default.


You do not need to do anything extra to prevent memory leaks other than remove the component from the DOM. All bs-components clean up any listeners they are using internally when they are removed from the DOM.


bs-components uses its own virtual DOM. To communicate with bs-components you can choose to send properties in the form of attributes down and then receive updated state information about the form of events back. So you could for example tell a button to toggle active and then listen for the change event to know that you should update your button active state back to close. This way you keep the active state in sync with the bs-button component. For example this pseudo-code should convey how the flow should work:

<bs-button role="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="button"
  • In the above example when you set the value myAppActiveStateForThisButton to true the button will toggle active.
  • Whenever the button value changes an event named is fired that contains the value the active state was changed to. Note the value is saved in the event in the detail key. will hold the new active state value.


While attributes are desireable for many environments some environments might prefer to use the more traditional Boostrap methods. bs-components uses plain JavaScript instead of jQuery. This creates a differences in how the bs-component methods are called. You need to use the plain javascript DOM selectors.


While You might not need jQuery, you can still use jQuery if you wish. You will need to make one change to use the DOM element rather than the jQuery DOM object.



How To Listen For Events

bs-components does not use jQuery events it uses DOM customEvents. You can listen for them using addEventListener.

document.getElementById("example-modal").addEventListener('', function(event) {
  console.log('example modal was shown');

Prevent Default

you can still prevent default

document.getElementById("example-modal").addEventListener('', function(event) {
  console.log('example modal was prevented from being shown');

Event Renaming

Occasionally you will want to change the event name used by a component. For example if you wanted an event name without periods in it you can configure this in bs-components using attributes. See the documentation for each component for more details. The names must be set when the bs-component is created. If the attribute changes after the component is created the new event name will be ignored.